Are Your Fingers Too Fat To Play Guitar?

Learning guitar is often referred to as yoga for the fingers, as they learn to stretch and even grow a little differently. You will learn easier and faster if you have a quality instrument to learn on. You don't have to buy the most expensive one, but you do need to do your research to find a quality guitar that fits your budget. A medium size of strings will be suitable for guitar beginners.

This country music musician, who so happens to have short fat fingers, not only plays country guitar but the banjo and classical guitar among several other instruments. Pick a couple of your favorites that sound easy to play and go at them for as long as it takes you to learn.

The key to overcoming this is regular practice, and slowing things right down until you can change chords at that speed. When starting out playing the guitar, you may experience a buzzing sound when you play a string or strings. But let's face it, if you want to play guitar it's because you love music in the first place and you love the way it sounds when played on a guitar.

The internet is full of free resources to learn how to play the guitar. 5. Guitar lessons Practice Regularly implementing the guitar basics you learn: It is wise to practice guitar regularly either alone or in a group (it will be best if it is a band). Then, when you look up songs online to play, your movement between chords should be effortless and enjoyable.

Eventually through time and practice your fingers will become accustomed to playing and may even slim down some. If you didn't think it was so easy to start playing before, here are 7 tips to get you started in your new musical career. Learning guitar is fun and for some it's a passion so what if this passion comes with ease of learning and without burdening the pocket.

Beginner guitarists tend to press harder than necessary on the strings. Because the strings on an acoustic are a heavier gage, and there is generally a higher action (space between the strings and neck) on an acoustic guitar it will be tougher on your fingers.

If you really want to play rock or metal guitar styles, you would be better off starting out with an electric guitar from the outset. Learning guitar can be as easy as you want it to be. A great many people are discouraged by the fact that their fingers hurt after playing for a short time.

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